I know its tacky, but I was reading through my blog and I wanted to see how much I've changed on my blog!!! I was laughing my arse off at some points, but others brought me to tears, with myself thinking, why?

So I thought I'd put some of the links to my favourite posts!!!

Enjoy the memories!!


New Years Eve 2004/05

My Controversial Acting Debut...

Dentist Dropping Drugs Down Dunny

Meghan B.'s Big Birthday Bash!!! Basically this started the random handstand!!!

The Creation of a Mega-Bitch!

Different Ways to Skin a Chipmunk

The Bitchy Bitch!


Talking about Karma coming back and biting you on the arse!

Where have all the turtles gone???

Scary Cows

Adam Mac: An Outsiders Perspective!!

My New Love!


I'm a bitch...

New Years Eve 2005/2006

They were pretty much my favourites. 16 out of over 100 posts!!!

Happy reading!!!

Hopefully there is still much more better posts to come!



Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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