Well, well, well... After a great day yesterday, today rears its ugly head and all hell breaks loose!

Join me as I look back on what happened today...

  • Get a call from work saying that I'm no longer required, and basically to fuck off! Thanks a lot!
  • Call university to start course again, apparently I've been terminated from their files and I can't go back.
  • Drop in on the high school to discuss Stage Managering the musical and told that I'm no longer needed because they want to give it to a better applicant, but I'm still wanted to build set at 3am in the morning!
  • Decide to go cruising in mum's car to chill out, only to crash into a pole, right out the front of the Werribee Police station... Now, no car and no license!!!
  • Get home and realize that I locked my keys in my room, and having no other spare set, meant I had to break down my door, which I can't put back up!!
  • School holidays start today, to celebrate, the family is going to Queensland, which I'm not allowed to attend because there is no room!!!
  • My friend said the best thing for me to do is to colour my hair an outrageous colour, she's a hairdresser... Now, after an hour of cuts and colours, I've got a funny green colour, she tried to bleach it, and a bowl cut!

Think my day could get any worse???? Well think again. After todays events there is only one thing to say:


























What did the lightbulb say to its mother?
I wuv you watts and watts.


  1. Anonymous said...
    well today i:
    Got up at 8:30 coz i thought Lou was gunna come ova at 10:00
    Sang realli loud to annoy the neighbors till Lou rocked up at 12:30
    Did homework on the 1ST DAY OF MY HOLIDAYS!!
    Went to the plaza
    Walked 20 mins to get to lou's house
    Walked 20 mins to get back to the plaza
    Took the bus home
    Ate pizza in 5 min, making myself sick
    Went to dancing were i was confused for the whole lesson coz i hadnt been there in 3 weeks
    Came home
    and you wanna no what???????
    Now i feel like a bulldozer came and ran me over and over and over and over and you are sitting there NOT TIRED AT ALL! Im feeling hateful..........
    Anonymous said...
    Heh, I actually believed some of that stuff!

    Well, my car was stolen that day....

    HA April Fools..

    Actually, no that actually happened. :(
    AdamMac said...
    Sorry to hear about your car timmotheus, but im sure you'll find a nice new blue one!! :P

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