OMG!!! What a pisser! I couldn't stop laughing when I read the comment on my blog from the party enthusiast that the people around me at work think I'm crazy... Well, its confirmed to them the fact that I'm crazy, what with the nail polish, blonde hair, bracelets, spontaneous bursts of laughter, severe bitchy attitude... Need I go on??

But after reading the comment, and reading LouLou's blog regarding Werribee, it got me thinking... do I really enjoy Werribee?? Am I meant to be here?? The answer... Hell No! What must happen??? I must leave this place...

Now I don't wanna discredit Werribee in anyway, seeing that yes I was born here and no I don't want to die here, how bad would that be, to have never lived outside the place you were born... again not discrediting people who have never lived outside the place they were born, but come on...

OMG!! I have to make a quick apology... While trying to do my post, I'm chatting to Skanky Jo on MSN, and haven't properly spoken to her since the weekend, and a lot of stuff happened on the weekend, so every time a conversation is started, I'm like "OMG....., OMG....". Very random, but a hell of a lot of fun!!!

Wow, that was also random, better apologise to all of you as well.... SORRY!!!

OMG!!! I couldn't believe that I forget to mention on the last post about my nails, and had to enter it in as a comment, so I figured I should talk about it here... I have two black nails... Yes, that is correct, two, count them 1, 2, nails... The ones of the ends of my hands, aka Pinkies, and they have been that way for about a day and a half, and I'm loving the comments I'm receiving, mainly "WHY??"... But they look ok?? I guess, not something permanent, but for a fun change... You may notice that over the next couple of weeks, Adam Mac will be going through a couple of "fun" changes.... Hence the reason I'm adopting the phase W.I.T. .... some of you know what it means!!!

WOW!! Just like the random comments on MSN, things conversation is turning quite random... But anyway, back to the main topic, me leaving Werribee... I really need to do it!! I need to get away, be my own person, be able to explore my true identity, I was gonna use explore myself for that, but figured all you people out there are so dirty minded you read it the wrong way, so naaaaaa.... I used better terms!!! I've found that owning my own car has let me be more adventurous, so I wanna take the next step, hopefully I don't fall on my arse in the process... but I've got enough people around me that love me to help me up... I hope anyway... **teary moment**

Anyhoo, tell next time chickens, probably tomorrow...

Love Ya
Adam "W.I.T." Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    hmm, thats a lot of randomness adam...
    speaking of randomness, regarding that rather "random phonecall" u recieved from me last night, have you had a chance to go and see if that really is a site yet?? come on i know u are dying to see them pictures of me... lol just joking.
    Anonymous said...
    on one hand im glad i made u laugh, but on the other.....i feel bad about always making fun of werribee! especially as i always do it on the blogs of ppl who LIVE in werribee. i am SO gonna get bashed one day. but for all you werribee ppl that i luv - or am yet to luv ;) - plz noe that the jokes come from my happy feelings for u all. i mean, seriously, i lived in adelaide b4 moving to st. albans!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    You need to move to the Eastern doesnt smell there!!
    Live outside the square yoiu live in!!!
    Anonymous said...
    I didnt thing Werribee was a square? Well, for all I know it could be, seeing as I've never thought to actually investigate what shape Werribee is...

    But Adam, I'm thinking I agree. I really wanna get out of this hole, (would that imply Werribee was actually round??) but with Uni coming up next year, I dont really see that as a practical option. I guess I'll just have to stay at home for a little longer.

    That is unless anyone has a free room somewhere?

    Catch, Timmo'

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