I'm in love...

He sings to me! He plays games with me! He's always with me! When I'm feeling bad, he always cheers me up! He tells me the time! He's small, .05"thick, 2"wide, 3.6"tall and he only ways 3.6 ounces! He's green! He holds up to 1000 songs!!

Okay, I've done it! I've become one of those people who went out and got an iPod. Now I know that iPods aren't as in as what they used to be, seeing that everyone has one, and I know there are other things on the market that are probably better... but I don't care! I love my iPod!!!!

I think the thing that I love most about my iPod Mini, is that I can put random tracks on it and no-one can hear what I'm playing... As you can probably tell, I'm not one of those people who have their speakers up so loud that you can hear them from outside the train, I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!! Like, come on, just because you like that certain type of music, not everyone else does! I always check to see whether or not you can hear my music, either by holding the earphones away from my ears and seeing if I can hear it!

As most people who know me would know, I'm quite a happy person, always full of energy, always ready for action, always ready for fun! Now some people think I have far too much energy, but if you can believe it... I think that owning an iPod has given me more energy! How can this be?? I hear a lot of you asking... Well, to make sure I turn up to work in a happy mood... I have a special playlist I gotta listen to... Anyone wanted to tap into this newly discovered source of energy, just copy this playlist:

NB: These are not in order... You can pick your own order!


Blame It On The Boogie - The Jacksons
Scar - Missy Higgins
Barbie Girl - Aqua
Fantasies Come True - Avenue Q
Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls
Inspector Gadget - 5ive
Pharaoh's Story - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Sunday Morning - No Doubt
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Upside Down - A Teens
I Wish I Could Go Back To College - Avenue Q
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
The Brothers Come To Eygpt/Who's the Thief?? - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
Keep On Moving - 5ive
Rockin Robin - The Jacksons
Heat of the Night - Aqua
The More You Ruv Someone - Avenue Q
Jacob and Sons - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Stop - Spice Girls**

Now the last one, Stop, is probably the most important. Seeing that everytime I hear this song, I basically think of running up to the stage at Diva and doing the choreography!! So, having this song in my head, just makes me wanna dance, which makes me happy! So, its good to have that song as the last one in my head!

So, that's my new love!! My iPod Mini!!! If you ever try speaking to me and I don't reply, the most probable reason is that I've got him in my ears!!!


  1. Anonymous said...
    "I basically think of running up to the stage at Diva and doing the choreography!! ...."

    how tragic.... how very...mmm

    well, it's interesting to come back and see there are at least 3 different people posting as anonymous... little did I realise I had so many siblings!

    anyways... I'm a lot closer to you all than you think... rather shocking isn't it.

    And Dean, whilst my elder sibling's comment in CAPS LOCK above was a bit over the top, it's not far from the mark really. It was no more pathetic as the very first line I copied in this post.
    Anonymous said...
    Adam I think this post was kool. Thanks for taking the time to write it. :-)

    I've seen your ipod and think it rocks, it's better then my Creative MP3 player. Since it's got 4GB.

    To the anonymouse looser(s) you suck eags. Did'nt your mum ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say not to say anything at all...
    Anonymous said...
    I think there are about 4 people posting comments on here who names are anonymous!

    Its funny there are quite a few people posting as anonymous! I'm not the only one that can't stand him! I am much closer than you all think too! I would reveal my name but simply the truth would crush Adam and he would never leave his house again!

    Although it was not me that wrote the comment above in Caps Lock! I agree with it! I would have just said Loser myself though!

    You might wonder why I bother to read his stupid blog? I find him very strange and I laugh so much when I read this blog! He acts all self rightous and all like "oh Im so good" on here! Yet in person he is a very scared person (he knows he is not blessed with ok or even half decent looks) Its ok the acne will go in time boy! and knows that he rubs alot of people the wrong way!

    He always says one thing in person and something totally different on his blog! But I guess he is just beginning his lifes journey and has a long way to go. But he just has been going the wrong way about it!

    Adam Mac you need to loose the negative attitude! You will be a happier person and a few more people will start to like you! Now, you dont want social death do you? Because you are well on the way or pretty much there if you ask me!
    Anonymous said...
    Cyber-stupidity at it's worst. Blogs are personal, and comments aren't meant as a means of attacking. If you can't play nicely, keep out of the race - you are just making yourself seem petty and ridiculous. Adam is a great bloke, who is at times a tad mixed up - who isn't at his age? If his blogs upset you, vent your rage on your own blog - not on his comments. Adam can blog what he wants, choose his own friends, and do whatever he wants. If you don't like his lifestyle, tough! Life is far too short to be bitter and twisted. Start enjoying it instead.
    Anonymous said...
    OMG! i have a green ipod mini too! it rox! my fave 'wake up and annoy everyone on the train' songs are bohemian rhapsody (the best song EVER) and niranva's smellslike teen spirit. LOL its fun to watch old ppl freak out when that song comes blasting outta my ipod after something as sweet as 'you dont know me' by michael buble...see you soon adam!

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