My friend was reading through the creation of a mega-bitch post and found a comment there, that I hadn't seen. Apparently, people out there think that I'm a bitchy bitch, one that changes his personality to accommodate the people around me. Well, what can I say, its true. As you can see in the comment I made, when someone asked me what bitch I was, I said I was unique! But I prefer the term bitchy bitch, a hell of a lot better.
So, take this post as a continuation from the mega-bitch post, where I will delve into the darkness of bitchiness, and give you a step-by-step account.
The Bitchy Bitch a.k.a Adam Mac
One of the greatest bitches alive. Having the ability to strike at others, and not usually care for response, one who has the ability to join into other bitchy crowds, and then join their enemies, leaving both none the wiser. This bitch has select "best" friends, who he can turn to in his hour of need. But he can also have semi-friends, who are usually kept at an arm's distance... you never know who has found out about things you have done.
Another great aspect of the bitchy bitch, is the ability to hold onto valuable pieces of information, and accidentally let it slip! This can be mistaken as having a big mouth, but usually only happens when he wants something! The bitchy bitch must show a cruel, heartless exterior, to show that he is willing to do anything to get his way. He always walks with a sense of purpose, never letting people think, what the hell are they doing walking around doing nothing!
They must have the ability to come across as a friendly person, must be able to convince people that they are truly a nice person, but if you do something wrong by them, its all over. When this person, crosses the bitchy bitch, the bitch shouldn't have to inform this person that they have done wrong, this person will know!
Public embarrassment shouldn't effect the bitchy bitch, as when it comes to public confrontations, the bitchy bitch doesn't care whats said, by whom or to whomever. Being able to show off in public, helps the bitchy bitch show the "I-don't-care-so-fuck-off" appeal! Random acts of stupidity doesn't effect the reputation of the bitch but strengthens it!
The bitchy bitch usually has an "origin" for their bitchiness. This helps them restore their bitchiness, when all seems lost. This can be a place, a person, an event. Something which just turns on the bitchiness to full go!! I'm not saying the bitch in them disappears, its always there, just not as strong sometimes!! When the bitch learns their "origin", they can become an unstoppable bitchy force!
Posting this post is an example of how strong the bitchy bitch can be. Would anyone seriously post on here, saying that they have the ability to manipulate people, to get their way??? Tell people that they don't care who they hurt to get their own way?? Let people know that they are willing to do anything to get people back - Payback is a bitch!! You reading this now, must be thinking, how they hell can this guy have friends??? Who would seriously keep his friendship after reading this post??? The reason why people are able to do this, is because people that read it, who are good friends of the bitchy bitch, will realize who they are, and how I could never betray them.
Yet with all the strengths of the bitchy bitch, there is a weakness. One that can cripple the bitchy bitch and stop him in his tracks! As I've mentioned above, the bitchy bitch has close friends. But sometimes, he can make a wrong decision, he can let someone into his life who he thought was a friend, but they can turn on him. They can let him spill all his secrets, some he has never told to anyone, and then they can betray him. They can leave him to think, why??, why did I do that? Why would I tell someone all these things, and fall into this trap?? As you can see, the bitch must have control at all times, because their reputation can be lost, in a couple of phone calls!
In conclusion, yes I am a bitch. If people do wrong by me, they will know it. I gossip, I have fun! I realize that a lot of people may not like this, but to them I say, get over it!!! To my friends reading my blog, I say, What??? You know this already!!
In terms of auditions, due to the lack of talent out there on the internet, its hard to find a decent co-blogger these days, C Grade Personality will not become a joint effort, instead, something else will take C Grade Personality to the next level!!! Wanna know more??? Keep reading! It will be happening soon!
Where does an ape sleep?
In an apricot.
Filed: Myself
Hopefully bitching again soon...
Adam Mac