Ok, If you've just jumped on and seen this post, then you may have noticed a slight change in C Grade Personality. If you haven't noticed them, ummmm look around the whole thing has changed!!!

With a new computer, a new house, a new life, I figured why not set up a new blog!! But then I didn't want to lose this one and it would be too much of a hassle, so I thought I'd just change this one a bit!

BTW, if you just read that and saw the new computer, thats right, AdamMac is the proud new owner of a spanking new laptop... Its so HOT! And with this new laptop, comes internet access, and with that comes more posts for yourselves, so me buying it was a WIN-WIN situation for everyone!! :P Maybe if I keep telling myself that it will justify me spending so much money :P

I'm disappointed in myself for one thing and that is that I've had my lappers for a week now, and A) this is my first post and B) I haven't named him yet... Seeing he is like a pet :P

So thats where you guys come into it!

I need a name for him, and because of my slack posting, expect a shit load to follow.

Love you long time,

AdamMac and **Insert name here for lappy**

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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