Plain and simple.

There is no better way to describe me. Bitch. Bastard. Bitchard! Whichever, whenever. I don't see this as being an attack on me, I see it as a compliment.

My bitchiness of late has actually reached a new level. One of which I am somewhat slightly scared to think about how bad its gotten. Its to the point, where I can't have a decent conversation without throwing in at least one bitchy comment. Then there are the comments that are just so random and bitchy that even make me sometimes almost cry with tears of joy. Maybe its the type of people I'm hanging around. Maybe they are bringing it out in me? I don't think so, I'm just a bitch.

Some of things I have done recently, I can't talk about, as they could get me in a whole lot of trouble. Some people know about these things, others obvisiouly do not know for reasons which i can't disclose...

But be warned, people who are know to get on the wrong side of me, have bad things happen to them... Remember I'm nice and innocent until you fuck me over!! Anyhoo...

Planning two more posts before the end of the year...


Adam "The Bitch" Mac


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