It's very rare that I actually do something serious on here. It's on the rare occasion that something happens which provokes me to do a serious post about them, I think its only happened on here once before, Same Sex Marriage. Whenever a topic comes up in the news that in some way effects me quite a bit, I need to blog about it.

If you don't know what CTM means, then you either don't watch the news, or don't live in Melbourne. Basically it refers to an illegal DVD which was created in my home town. The DVD is called 'C*NT the movie'. It is basically a DVD whoch involves a bunch of teenage boys wreaking havoc to local property, and also committing sexual offences towards a young girl.

There were four students from my old school that were involved in the distrubution and the production of the movie, and their names have been passed onto the authorities. Out of over 1000 students, 4 of them were in some way involved with the DVD. Not even one percent of the student population were involved in it, yet the whole school has been affected by it.

Apparently kids from the school are being spat on, because they wear the school uniform. This is just down right crazy. The school is a good school. It's gone through a lot over the last couple of years, and its been able to get through them all. It had began to establish a good name for itself in the community, then these fuckwits create a DVD and bring its reputation down to the ground. I had someone at work ask me if I went to that school a couple of days ago, and they felt sorry for the current kids there at the moment, because it must be a good school if people like myself have come out of it.

Werribee Secondary College is a great school. It offers such a wide range of extra curricular activates and and has an excellent curriculum. I would honestly not be the type of person I am to today if I hadn't have gone to that school. I've learnt important life long lessons there, and I have such good memories of the place that I know I will cherish them for the rest of my life. The staff at the school do so much for their kids, and the students all respect that. Its unfair such a tragic event like this could tarnish such a good reputation that took so long to build.

The thing that annoys me the most about the movie is that the kids who made it feel no remorse at all. They think they've become somewhat heroes from it, and that just sickens me. They've changed their MySpace display names to contain 'CTM' to show people that they were involved in the DVD. It shouldn't be something that these kids should be proud of, yet something for them to be ashamed of. Not only have they shown that they are complete morons, but they've given Werribee and the high schools within it such bad names now.

I think all copies of the DVD's should be removed and destroyed, and the boys who had something to do with it severly punished.

If you wanna read more about it you can here.

Everyone has their own wishes, and by the way, mine isn't to become a punk rocker with flowers in my hair, I just really like that song! Some of my wishes haven't changed for a long while, and I don't think they will change for a while yet, but that doesn't stop me from making the same wish every birthday, every time I forward on a chain email, every time I see the first star each night. Do you do the same thing?? Has your birthday wish changed in the last couple of years??

I find it to be the same with my New Years resolutions. Every year I have at least two recurring things that I wanted resolved from the last few years. This either shows that I lack imagination and can never think of anything new, or I'm just really lazy and never complete my new year's resolutions. Just between me and you, I think its the latter one.

Is that the same reason why my wishes are the same every year?? Am I not putting enough effort into creating the right situation where they could come true? How much of a wish coming true is contributed to your own input?

My wishes are kinda typical. I think maybe everyone has the same type. I wish for lots of money, long-term relationship, happiness, etc. I kinda alternate between the three all the time. But those common wishes haven't changed in a long time.

Do you have wishes? What are they? World peace? Love? Money? Happiness? How long have you been wishing for the same thing, and when are we gonna realise that they may not come true?

I have a friend's 21st birthday party on Saturday night. Its being held at some bar in QV and I know its gonna be an awesome night! I'm really looking forward to it. The only thing that I'm worried about is the dress code. Now, I'm not the best with dress codes usually, the only ones I really know about are formal, whip out the suit, and casual, what I wear everyday! But the dress code for this party is smart casual.

Now my interpretation of smart casual is something that looks great, but not too over the top. So I know not to whip out the tuxedo, or the turn up in the moccasins. I think that it has to be somewhere between the two. By the way, I won't be turning up in a tuxedo and moccasins, even though that would be in between.

I asked some people at work what they thought I should wear, and most just said to wear a shirt and a good pair of jeans. Their justification of the whole thing was that the shirt was the smart bit and the jeans were the casual bit. I wanna know if that works vice versa as well though. What if I wore a t-shirt and dress pants? I've got the two, smart and casual, but apparently from the stupid looks I was getting from my colleagues, I figured that wasn't the best idea and just went back to my desk.

I'm going shopping tomorrow night, so I'll see if anything jumps out at me when I'm looking for stuff. I'll probably end up asking the sales staff what smart casual is, because I still have a vague idea, but don't wanna turn up too dressy, or under dressed!

Rummaging around in the closet.

The softball season has started again and it looks like the Knights are in for an interesting season.

Both the men and the women won their first game, with the women showing the competition that they are here to play. Ok, so the other team only had 7 players, and weren't that good, but they still showed them, good work girls!

The guys weren't as impressive with them only winning by a mere run, but I'm sure that the next game will hopefully be a bit different.

Now I've put another thing for you guys to look out for on the blog. On right hand side tool bar thingy, I've put the latest scores for the Western Knights. This will be updated later today, because I can't remember the score :P

I've also kept the dream diary up to date, and been analyzing some of the things in them, which is causing my head to go funny, so might stop that soon. The interpretation that is, not the writing my dreams down.

Back in the game

NB: Please be aware that AdamMac is really drunk, and any spelling or grammatical mistakes can be blamed on the alcohol!

I've just got home from celebrating clear test results with Carmella. She just got some stuff done and the results were in and she is fine, so what better way to celebrate than have a few beverages! Ok, so maybe not a few, but a lot :p

When I got there tonight, I was having a good time, I didn't know much people there, except for my mum, which is Carmella, who I'm her adopted son, if that makes sense! I was dancing away with her, having fun, until fat 1 and fat 2 arrived! Now for those who don't know who fat 1 and fat 2 are, ask me later when I'm sober and I'll tell you who they are!

Every time I see fat 1, I either want to cry or vomit! I don't know which, maybe vomit because I can't believe I wasted so much of my life on a fat piece of shit, remember I'm drunk so I can type these things :P But I seriously don't know what it is. Every time I see him, this anger builds up inside of me and I just wanna scream. Now I could scream and get away with it at Diva, hell people may think that I'm singing, and that could be funny, seeing that I don't sing :P

Now I know that he played a big part in my life, but fuck him! I can't stand him, he may have played that big part, but he sure knew how to fuck up my life! I'm not usually a shallow person, but I look at him and think, why? Why would I wanna get with a fat slob like him???

I think I've typed enough about him, hang on... I HATE HIM THE STUPID MOTHER FUCKER!!! OK, now I think I've typed enough :P

Drunk as a Skunk!

Over the last couple of days, I keep coming across this white powder. I had no idea what it was. It was starting to appear on my couch, my desk at work, my jeans, keys, wallet, etc. It was basically everywhere, and I had no idea what it was... Well that was until I opened my bag today.

I thought that I was turning into some kinda drug dealer at night, and when I woke up the next morning, I had forgotten about everything. That, or someone was breaking into my house, and doing drugs on my couch, and then as they were snorting this white powder, they coughed so it went everywhere. I know that last one is a bit extreme, in terms of details, and my imagination probably got the better of me, but I've been bored lately and my mind tends to wander.

It was when I opened up my bag today and noticed that the bottom of it was laced in this weird white powder, that I noticed what it was. I had put a tube of sherbet in my bag over the last couple of days, and it had some how burst, causing the sherbet to go everywhere. I can't believe that it took me that long to notice it. Seeing that I take my bag with me everywhere, hence the powder following me around.

As I was a bit excited about finally figuring out what it was, I had to tell people at work, and they kinda gave me weird looks, as if to say, 'Yes, Adam, I'm sure its only sherbet'. Now, surprisingly enough, this isn't the first time a place of work have accused me of drug using/dealing. I didn't/hadn't done drugs then, and can still safely say that I haven't done them since! I only have an addictive personality and hyper attitude, without having to add more to it by using some illegal substance.

After laughing at these accusations, I started to think about all the fun things I could do with a bag of white powder, yes the imagination has been working over time lately. I came up with a couple of things;

  • Going into a supermarket and making sure that they check my bag as I leave, and throwing in the occasional head twitch here and there.
  • Asking people if they can look after my bag for a minute, and then in public ask them to pull something out for me, like a wallet or something and wait for the reaction.
  • Falling over in public and letting my bag open up on the floor, and then trying to cover it up and saying loudly, 'nothing to see here, nothing to see'.
  • Going up to people at work, and whispering quietly if they want some of it.
  • Walking around and continuously stick my finger in my bag and lick the white powder of my finger when people are looking.
As you can see, a bag full of white stuff could be lots of fun, especially if your imagination is getting a work out like mine is at the moment.

Never had so much fun with a bag full of white powder

Yesterday I was having a day with the girls. We started being all butch, watching the Grand Final and drinking beer, well I wasn't drinking because I had to drive, and they weren't really drinking beer... Pure Blonde is so not a beer :P Well, we started with good intentions, but then out come the Cleos, Cosmos and Vogues and we started talking about boys, clothes and this fucken hot pair of Dior boots*, and it all went girly from there. Our attempt at being boys kinda failed, with the finishing point being when we cracked out the Sex and the City DVDs.

There were four of us there, three of my best girlfriends and me! So with the four of us there, and watching the four girls on Sex and the City, we talked about which one of the four girls each of us were. Jess was Miranda, Jo was Charlotte and Meghan and myself were a mixture of Carrie and Samantha. Now apparently, I had to be part Samantha, seeing the number of people I have fooled around with. Now I personally don't think it is that many, but the other did, seeing that my number was a little bit bigger than all of theirs...

Now before you get the impression that I'm a big slut, which I'm not, I was actually quite surprised at my number, and mainly because I don't think that it was that many... I haven't had sex with all the people on my list, but have fooled around a bit. Being a gay man, I'm kinda proud of the fact that my number was quite low, compared to most people that I know. For example, I found out that one of my mates on Friday night, was on a goal to get with 10 guys in 10 nights, trying to out do his friend who had done 9!!! I can safely say that I'm nothing like that :P

Now I'm not going to tell you the number, nor am I going to tell you that if I worked it out as an average to since I've been out, I average more than 1 a month. And I'm definitely not going to tell you that my number is more than 20 times that of one of my friends.

In completely un-related news, I've started seeing someone. Well maybe not started, seeing that's its been over a month now, but just thought I should mention it. Its been a while since I've had a relationship, and I still feel a bit new to the whole thing, so that's kinda exciting. I still feel weird about the whole 'boyfriend' word thing. It'll take some getting used to, but I'm sure I will. And yes, this person is aware of my number :P

On the whole boyfriend knowing my number thing, it brought up how many they were on. Needless to say, my boyfriend is new to the whole gay world, his number is quite low, so I felt kinda weird telling him. I felt like when I told him, it made me look like some slut, which I'm completely not, and I thought that he might freak out and run away. But he knows I'm not one, as do all my friends, so it doesn't really bother me! Hell, I've only ever picked up at a club like twice! And that was only kissing them :P

Well I think I may have gone a bit too much into my personal life here, but meh! Whats your number? If you have a partner, do they know your number? Do you know their number?? Are you ashamed of it???

It's only a number

*Ok, so maybe I wouldn't wear them, not yet... I'm just being appreciative of some great designer footwear.


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