I have just discovered a new love, the Thorpedo bottle...

Okay, so when Thorpie brought out a new water, I instantly thought, here we go, another celebrity endorsed crappy product! But I was surprisingly wrong. A fellow workmate recently discovered the bottle and I now know why she was so excited about it.

For starters, the bottles don't drip if you put them upside down. They have this suction thing so it only comes out when you suck on it... So it was great in my softball bag on Saturday, because it didn't leak if the cap came undone. Also, I'm sure that everyone at softball is well and truly over the fact that it doesn't leak, seeing that I thought it was my duty to tell EVERYONE about this cool new bottle!

Thats enough about Thorpedo... Go out and buy the bottle yourself to know what I'm talking about... I recommend the Orange flavour!

A dentist found something wrong with one of his patients. The upper plate that had been put in earlier was corroding. "What have you been eating?" the dentists asked the man.
"All I can think of is that about three months ago my wife made some asparagus and put Hollandaise sauce on it. I loved it so much, I put it on everything now."
"That's the problem," the dentist said, frowning. "Hollandaise sauce contains lemon juice, which is highly corrosive. I'll make you a new plate, and this time use chrome."
"Why chrome?"
"It's simple. Everyone knows there's no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise."

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    HAHA Yes Adam I think we are all over hearing "Look see nothings coming out see!!!" Lol how funny.
    Dude Thanks for putting me catcher for the 1hour 5minutes that we were fielding for... i am now unable to walk up or down stairs, my legs are sooo sore, a million times sorer than they were before the game. Everyone thinks it is quite amusing watching me struggle with steps :(

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