Yes tonight is Thursday, yes I promised that the feature update would be Thursday... but due to family members in the hospital... it is currently not happening... So it is now an update on my sister...

As you all know, she hurt her knee. After having an MRI, the doctor told her to see a specialist, which she saw and booked her into the hospital for an operation, this morning!

She was supposed to have a small operation called a scope thingy, which would insert the screws... BUT, because of major damage, she had to have her knee opened up, and the screws inserted that way...

Let's just say that she will be in the hospital for a bit, and she won't be able to work for a month!

Stay Tuned: The Belated The Creation of a Mega-Bitch

What do John the Baptist and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
They have the same middle name!


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