Okay, so I get home from softball, and the first thing I think to do is to check my blog, its still here so I'm happy! I don't know where it could have gone, but meh!

Next thing, was to add a picture on to my profile, so you all know what I look like out there! Such a trauma, it took me forever, but I did it... As you can see.

Also I decided to add a thing in the content bar thingy, about the latest softball updates... As you can see, both the men and the women won, we were unstoppable today! As we are everyday.

Just a quick note, the men won 12-0, a massive win!

Stay Tuned: The creation of a mega-bitch!

Energizer Bunny arrested. Charged with battery.


  1. The Cure said...
    Technical diffaculties can always happen... even to a blog. Mine diappeared for about an hour the other day. Anyway keep on blogging...
    AdamMac said...
    Are you serious, I would be really annoyed if mine went away, I'd have to start all over again...
    Thanks for the comment...

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