As promised, here is a post about my sister's 18th birthday celebration. To make things more fun, I've split it into two bits, before and after... ENJOY!


Setting Up: With dad recently leaving the hospital, on Friday night, and seeing that he is on crutches with a massive cast on his ankle, it's a bit hard for him to move around... So, me and mum did a lot of the outside setting up, which we are now banned from doing... Why you ask...

  • Taking balloons outside to hang up, so me and mum thought we would take all of them outside and just put them on the ground, yet as they hit the grass it sounded like a machine gun was going off with all the popping. We thought it was funny, but dad didn't, seeing that he was the lucky one who blew them all up, and now had to blow up another bag!
  • With us both being artistic designers, or we thought, we spend ages discussing the placement of certain items, banners, streamers, etc., much to the dislike of dad who said put up the bloody things up and shut up!
  • When I work, I like to have the music blaring, and due to mum's request of Gwen, it had to happen. So instead of working, me and my mum were grooving to the music! So a lot of work wasn't happening, and we got in trouble, by who I wonder...
  • Now in this dotpoint, it is actually mum who gets banned! So, when hanging up banners, I believe it is better to see the banner, not what is holding it up. So I delicately placed the masking tape behind the banners, and mum decided to put half the masking tape on the banner and the other half on the wall. Needless to say, you could tell which half I put up, and which half mum put up!
  • Balloons hating us so much that when we walked out into the backyard, they would pop when we looked at them... Damn you balloons... GRRRRRR!!!

By the end of it, me and mum were well and truly over it!!!


Now a common activity in this house is softball, hence the reason why all my Saturdays are full of softball and nothing else! This subject has nothing to do with the partae, but I just thought I'd tell everyone about the awesome "tip-toe" double play, and fantastic playing of shortstop! Needless to say, we won!

Alcohol Shopping-

Before any partae, you must always be prepared! So I went with the lovely Lauren, supreme hairdresser and future wife, to go get some alcohol! It was an eventful trip, with lots of surprising things happening, which sadly i can't discuss here!

Now the party is happening, well not now, but in this post it is! But for a change I'm not gonna talk about it, just the things that have come out of it!


  1. SKUNT! The new word use it. Sitting around, we started talking about what the term for a male skank is. Sadly no-one could think of one, except for Lauren. And so SKUNT is the new word... use it! Also, I'll just add my suggestion, manker, short for mega wanker, I'll be using it, so you should too!
  2. Broken bones, okay so maybe not bones but ligaments, which is close enough! The birthday girl, while doing the limbo, "Ah Ah Limbo", crumpled to the ground in a laughing mess, only to discover, this morning, that she has done something horribly wrong to it! Congrats must go out, because she still soldiered on and enjoyed her celebration!
  3. Lack of pizza. Very disappointed that after ordering 16 pizzas, no of which are left here now! I was looking forward to my cold pizza this morning but I was let down!!
  4. Lack of sleep... Now I piked it, and went to bed at about 1:30 because I have a big two days planned. But that wasn't helped by people cleaning up this morning and banging on my walls, to "clean" them... Ha very funny! Thank you all!
  5. Cruiser love. Last night continued my love for cruisers, especially Pineapple and Blueberry. They are awesome, mostly because they gave me a green tongue. I didn't have a lot of drinks, because as of late, I'm well and truly over it!
  6. D&M, thankful to the great D&M's that come out of parties. The person knows who I'm talking about, and I'm very grateful!

Overall, a great time was had! Not really much more to say! Hope you enjoyed...

BTW, each week, I'm gonna have a feature update. The feature update is gonna about something other than myself! I'll still update little posts about whats going on in my life, but the main one will be the feature post! I'll even research for it. I'm trying to cut down on the size of posts, so there will be one big one a week! Look at the "Stay Tuned" section for more info...

Stay tuned: The creation of a mega-bitch!

A deer, a skunk, and a duck went to the grocery store. When they were ready to check out, the deer didn't have a buck, the skunk didn't have a scent, so they put it all on the duck's bill.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Dear Adam...

    Not happy Jan! How dare you use and abuse the trust that I thought we had in our relationship, which I might add you obviously read far too deeply into - making the assumption that I am going to marry you someday. The fact that I may have said that I might at some stage is irrelevant as we were both pissed.
    Finally, I am the best fader-outerer that you know.
    Love always, your favourite ex-future-possible-wife the lovely Lauren.

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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