Okay, an update on my sister. She hasn't torn any ligaments, she had the MRI scan this morning. Instead she has broken the back of her knee cap. This happened because:

  • When she fell from doing the Limbo, she dislocated her knee.
  • When she got back up from the ground, she popped her knee back in.
  • In doing this, she has broken the back of her knee cap, and will probably need screws put in.

She is seeing a specialist soon, and at the moment she is on crutches. But as you know from the previous post, dad is also on crutches, hence the title of this post being, "House of Invalids".

In the more recent past, my mum has broken her toe, my brother has broken his finger, then you have dad and Rachael, so according to my brother, I'm apparently next in line... Lucky Me! I'm hoping for a good injury, if there is such a thing.

At the moment I'm currently at work on lunch, having just spent my whole morning at a graveyard at SYN, but I'm still soldiering on... Just wait till my driving lesson tonight...

Also, another quick thing, the feature post I have been plugging for a while, will happen on Thursday nights, so expect one every Thursday night... It may be early or late, so check on Fridays!

Stay Tuned: The Creation of a mega-bitch!

Did you hear the one about the three holes in the ground?

Well, Well, Well


  1. Anonymous said...
    Sup dawg
    Wats happenin?
    Ur asian friend
    AdamMac said...
    Hey, I'm sorry, but I have a lot of asian friends and I don't know who you are... Please elaborate..

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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