Last night was fun, I got my taste for theatre back, and with it, a bit of my inner bitchiness has returned!!! I forgot how much having a conversation about scripts, casts and LX's released the inner bitch! The witty comments were flying out faster then Superman, and the rebuttals were just as quick. Never, ever would I thought that discussion regarding the Flintstones could be so much fun... and sexual!?!

That's right, or well maybe not sexual but raunchy!! It was quite amusing actually, to be able to think of so many things that have happened on the Flintstones and then be able to turn the characters into sexual deviants!!! Maybe not so much amusing, but awesomely fun!! For example in one scene we have to strike some rocks out of a quarry set, which means we have to get the rocks off-stage, so the first thing that was said, was "Where do we get our rocks off again??" How funny! At least we thought it was!

Why am I talking about the Flintstones?? Well, I'm crewing at the National State Theatre, looking after OP!, thats Stage Right for non-musical people!! And we had our first serious breifing, at the pub! Yes, I also found it amusing that we had a "serious" meeting at the pub!! I didn't drink.. I'm a good little boy!! Well maybe not a boy and maybe not little, I'm gonna be 20 in a month and a bit!!! How scary!!!

God I'm getting off the topic tonight!! Maybe its coz of the little sleep or maybe its because I've had a massive day today??

Flintstones... Well we went through all the things that I have to do... All the costumes (or should I say costume) that I get to wear! Talking about cast members, then moving on the other musical that we work on... It was a nice fun random evening...

Wanna know something else that is random?? Well, Adam Mac resigned today, so today was his last day! I know, how random!!! Can you believe it??

Anyway, got things to do, people to see... So, come back tomorrow, there might be another post, or their might not be one, coz I might be camping, whats with the random comments tonight?!?, yes, you read right! CAMPING!!! Fun!!!



  1. Anonymous said...
    We can only hope you get bitten by a snake
    Anonymous said...
    What the???? to the Flinstones!
    Resigning! Random....but i bet you feel a whole lot better!!!

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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