Im so gonna cry!! I was sitting here typing a kick arse post, as all my posts are, and what happens, I come back and half of the post was gone!! Just gone!! And it was a massive post, so I've decided not to do that now, and just bitch about how crappy my last couple of weeks have been!!

Well they haven't been that crappy, but still I can say what I want!! I'm sick today, so give me some credit!! I just wanna go and get better straight away and I'll be happy!!!

Last weekend was fun, I drank for the first time since I got my P's, I didn't get drunk, but I still had a bit of fun!!!

What else has been happening??? Nothing really... So, I'm gonna leave this post by itself!!

Night Chickens...

BTW, I've stopped the poll, it was on 50/50, so I figured that it was now a good time to stop!!

Why did the mother of twins name both of her sons Edward?
Because two Eds are better than one.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Um.....You think Missy has talent? You are extremely mistaken....Thirsty Merc have double the talent that Missy will ever have! Missy is just a wannabe Delta Goodrem.

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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