Well as promised, here is my post about my drunken Saturday night... In a way Timmotheus is right, the reason I was avoiding this post is because, well I can't remember a lot of it!

Anyway, I knew I was in for a big night, when my pre-drinks consisted of 4 Smirnoffs... They were fun! But we were at a mates place before we went out, and I always have fun there, even though I've only been there three times... They are still fun!!!

The car ride to the club was eventful... I remember crying out for more smirnoff, dancing and singing to the spice girls and other various tragic pop hits, thanks Timmotheus... then finally arriving at the place...

Paid the cover charge to get in, got a Smirnoff, with red stuff in it!! Yummmm.... Started on my Chupa Chup, which apparently I dropped??? I can't remember that... Showing people my talents with a Chupa Chup!! Bugger, my hidden talent is no longer hidden... I was very proud of the fact that I can turn a Chupa Chup around in my mouth, using only my tongue!! More Smirnoff, a couple of shots of sambuca, a massively long D&M on the couches... What else... I then remember walking to the car, the car ride home was fun!, then going back to our mates place, not going inside, or well going inside for a couple of minutes and then staggering back to the comfortable back seat of the car... Then having Timmotheus ask me where his car keys are, and me looking in the back seat for them, only to find them in my pocket... Going home, then waking up and going to the zoo...

As you can see it wasn't that eventful, well it was eventful, but I consider this blog to be G rated! Maybe even PG??

Moving right along shall we??? Lets move to this weekend... I had no plans, notice the "had"... I get home tonight and in the mail, I got a letter from the Spy Lounge, saying I'm invited to a VIP Party... **Adam Mac puts on his C Grade Celebrity hat and struts around the room** Anyway, its this Saturday, and I only have a ticket for myself and a guest! But the ticket includes FREE beer and champagne from 9-11pm!!! The only dilemma, who do I take?? And how do I choose... Maybe I will take applications, the best one wins... I'll take them in the form of comments or emails... my email address is adam_jmac@hotmail.com So, get those applications cracking, whoever impresses me the most or promises the most un-G-rated action, can join me!! Better yet, if I'm that impressed, I'll give you the ticket and you can take someone else, seeing that noone will wanna go with me!!! **Sob, sob**

Till my next drunken adventure,



  1. Anonymous said...
    I dont suppose i will be going??!!
    Anonymous said...
    I dont suppose i will be going??!!
    Anonymous said...
    Adam Mac, what a Saturday night!! I'm sure a lot more has happened, you never know who is laughing at you and not with you??!! You might have done somehting you have no idea of and maybe never will!!!
    Good luck this Saturday night.....try and make it one TO remember!!!!

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