Over the weekend, I was feeling severly un-loved.. Why? Well Adam Mac, was sending messages on his phone, but none of his friends were replying... They were ignoring me... or so I thought!

While sitting in the car on the way to work at some ungodly hour, yes people, others are up at 6:00... I started recieving messages, straight after one another... and I was like, okay, someone has forgotten to lock their phone, and seeing that I was lucky enough to be born with a name starting with the letter "A", and being at the top of everyone's lists, I tend to get lots of blank messages... but enough with that little rant... I was shocked to see all these messages... But it didn't stop there...

All day, I kept getting messages and I started to feel really bad, coz I wasn't replying to people when they sent me a message, but the weird thing was the order I was getting the messages, as in, there was none! I was getting messages that people wrote on Sunday, then on Friday, then Sunday, then Saturday.... you get the drift...

So if I didn't reply to any of your messages, I wasn't ignoring... you were ignoring me... only joking... and if you didn't send me a message on the weekend... I don't like you anymore...

I left a message on your computer screen, but I'll say it here again:
DEE!! If you ever, ever leave work without saying goodbye again, I will personally drop a house on you! And I'll never make you a coffee, or pull your job bags, that sounds funny!, again... Only Szannes'!!! And Szanne will become my new favourite!!!

Love Ya All, Even you DEE!!

Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    Well Adam Mac, i didnt send you a message, so that means you dont like me.....last time i ever comment!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    Maybe u really are trying to tell me something, in a past blogu said that none of urfriends could go out (i was not called) and now u say that u messaged everyone and i never recieved a message... i get the hint Adam i guess i am unloved :(

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