Before I start talking about my camping trip... I have a little comment to make... Anonymous, you gutless wonder. Whoever you are, grow some balls and leave a name, you wanna leave comments like that, your a fuckhead! Well you could hope that I was bitten by a snake, but sadly I wasn't... I'm back, and your gonna have to put up with my posts again! If you don't like it... fuck off!

Now that thats out of the way... I'M BACK!!! I know I was only gone for a night, but I got back now, and thought, I have to post.. Think of all the people out there, who probably think something is wrong with me! Who am I kidding, no-one would think that... No-one loves me!! **Sob, Sob** This post was supposed to come out last night, but I only have finished it, so its coming out today!

The trip was fun, I had a bloody brilliant time. Left my house at about 11:00, and proceeded along the Great Ocean Road, till we got to Blanket Bay, where we set-up camp! The Great Ocean Road was awesome. I've never been there before and to be able to drive it was just breathtaking! I loved being able to go from overlooking the cliffs towards the ocean, and then a couple of k's later being in the middle of the forest... It was awesome. The views were spectacular, even if I only got to see them for a second- I had to keep my eyes on the road!! The weather was a bit windy, so the waves were up and smashing into the rocks, I love the ocean. But the sun was out as well, and when we were going through the forest, the sun was filtering in... awesome!

Camping was also fun. The place where we camped, if you stood up you could walk to the beach, and it was like a five second walk to the beach. It wasn't really a beach, but it was more of a rock pool thing, coz there wasn't a lot of sand. The changes in the tides were amazing, to see how at one point of the day, its only water, and then at a different time, you can walk out on the rocks for about a hundred metres. And then there was the time on Sunday morning when Ben came up from the water, and only the front half of him was wet! When we asked what happened, he said he was standing on the rocks, and we turned around, when he looked back, he said there was a massive wave and it reached over his head!! We thought it was funny, well Timmy C and I thought it was funny until we, ourselves got wet! We were standing on the rocks, and we dared each other to stay there... and well we did! It was only the bottom of our legs that got wet, but it was funny!

We also went to the Thunder Caves, and the Blowhole, which were equally impressive... Being able to see waves smash against rocks and go up in the water, higher then the cliffs and cover the entrance to the caves, only being able to see white mist... It was brilliant!

Overall, the trip was brilliant! I had an awesome time! And can't wait to go camping again soon...

Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    I want to go camping now!!!
    Sounds like you had a great time!
    Best time to go to the great ocean road, for fab weather is about late Jan, Feb and March!
    Just make sure next time you go, your eyes are on the road!!!! I wouldnt want to hear of AdamMac driving over the cliff into the ocean!!
    See ya!
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Adam, great to hear you are not down and definately not ou.......
    P.S.What is the official defination of "BLOG"?
    Take care Julie W

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