What are the three C's?? Well before I tell you, let me tell you about what I'm doing tonight! I'm getting shit-faced, wasted, drunk, off my nut... you get the drift! I haven't been drunk since I got my P's, hell it was even before that! But when I look back at what happened last time when I got drunk, its not a pretty story! But I'll tell it here anyway...

The place: Lamby's Geelong. The reason: seeing Meghan's ex in a coverband called PFP. The company: Meghan, Boy, Daniel, Luke, Myself. The outcome: Vomit!! I know, how wrong and I felt bad that it was in front of Boy, but it was outside the establishment and around the corner, so give me some credit! I was drinking far too much, and far too quickly, but I love my scotch and coke, and well, it was tasting so nice!!!

There has only ever been one other time apart from this when I have been so drunk that I vomited! But that involved a spa, a cast of drunks, so many different kinds of drinks, and a lot of VB!! And that wasn't a very memorable occasion either... hang on, the last couple of times that I have gotten drunk, I haven't had much fun! But hopefully tonight will be different... HOPEFULLY!!!

So what are the three C's??? Cruisers, Cowboys and Champange! Each has its own little place in the land of Adam Mac.


The main drink of choice, preferably Pineapple, yummmm! I like them because they are in bottles, and you can dance on the dance floor and have them at the same time!! Also because they are nice!!!


The infamous shots that everyone loves, just a reason to quicken the process of getting drunk. I fell in love with these when I learnt to make them, which I'm a pro at by the way!!! And because I know how to make them, I not a fan of the premixed version!!!


The more sophisticated drink choice of Adam Mac. Usually reserved for cast parties and more mature social gatherings, but I'm a major fan of the Pink version!!! Champagne is fun!!

So there are my three C's, I do drink other things but they are the main ones!!!

Expect maybe a drunken post tonight, or a hung over post tomorrow!!

BTW I'm going to the zoo tomorrow... And my mum was like, don't get too drunk, you have to drive!! I love my mum!!!

BTW (again) Dee, if you don't go tonight... I'll never leave Love post-it notes on your window again!!


Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    Ugh, Pink Champaign?! DOnt you mean SPicy Vegemite!?!


    Have fun tonight. It's about time I saw YOU drunk for a change.

    Catch, Tim.
    Anonymous said...
    Adam, Adam, Adam.
    Anonymous said...
    Message Me
    Anonymous said...
    I bet at the end of that night or the following day you said "I'm never drinking again!!!!"

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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