No, this is not going to be some passionate post, but the title refers to INFERNO!! One of the greatest coverbands of all time! Coz they are coming back to Werribee, on a Thursday... Its all quite exciting!!

But must say that on Fridays, Adam Mac is gonna be fucked! Why? Because, Adam Mac will now go out every Thursday, but he already goes out every Wednesday, and I have to keep both of these parts of my life alive, coz if I lose one, I reject my present self, and if I lose the other, I lose my past! Why the riddles?? You will find out soon enough!

Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    Inferno? Werribee? What the????
    Is all i have to say!
    AdamMac said...
    Inferno rock!!! Every thursday night at the Tavern, be there and be someone!!!

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