Ladies and gentlemen, the Western Knights womens team, after a massive win today, are into the grand final for the first time ever. Seeing that this is the girl's second season, they have pulled together to get there. After a season of injuries, losing our pitcher weeks before the finals, gaining new players, people not being committed... Still, all those things, we have prevailed to enter the grand final. To get there, we had to beat a team we have never played before, yet we beat them 23-13... thats right, 23-13!!!

The grand final is being held in two weeks, which should be fun. Wanna attend?? Turn up to President's Park, 19 Saturday 2005, @ 2:00pm.

Not only the women are in the finals, we will find out tomorrow if the Men get into the final. We lost today, so we have to win tomorrow to continue!! The men have made it into the grand final, but for some reason, can never win!! So, we will find out tomorrow, if we get another shot at glory!!

Also, a point about the auditions, please put in the subject line, "Audition Post". Then, why you want to be a part of C Grade Personality. Your post can be about anything, but you need to have a title!! Alliteration is always good.
What do you get when you cross a pond and a stream?
Wet feet.


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