In my recent couple of weeks of lack of internet, having only the ability to read and post comments, I've discovered how low some people can go. In case you don't know, a certain someone by the name of Matty Zees, has posted comments about me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to post back! This post was about a softball trip away, in which I didn't attend. At the end of the post, he goes into detail regarding a phone conversation that I had with my mother, on using the washing machine. I know clearly well how to use a washing machine, I was just ringing to confirm the right detergents and softeners to use, as we have quite a couple here with the new baby sister and everything! That was the whole conversation, I asked mum what stuff to use, and she told me. That was all!

Apparently, that wasn't the conversation that I had with my mum. Apparently, the conversation was quite longer and more in depth, but what would I know, I was the one having the conversation! In this post, he goes into quite a lot of detail regarding the conversation that I was having! For example, apparently, I asked my mum where to put the detergent, how to turn it on, ask her if I have to hang it out, things like that. Well, I know how to use a washing machine! I didn't ask for instructions on using them, just asked one simple question!!

Now some people may be thinking, why is he getting so worked up about some silly little comments about my household abilities, well I'll tell you why. For starters, the comments were made at a time when I couldn't write back, and the fact that the person who wrote these comments know well that my net was done.

Also the final comment that he made in this group of comments has got be pissed off. Basically he says that I couldn't survive without my mum... This gets my angry because I have done this before and could do it many many more times! This is why I'm getting agro over some little comments!

Anyway Happy Easter to everyone, may you have a good time and eat shit loads of chocolate, gyms would make a fortune over the next couple of days!

Also a shout out to someone who goes by the name of Mackanzi, a new member of the blogging community! Don't worry, your identity is safe with me!!!!

Why are pirates so popular?
They just arrrr.


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