Okay, so I say time after time that I will never go there again, but I had to. The personal assistant in me, made me go! I had to support Becz through a rough time, and a fight which didn't happen.

For those of you who don't know about the hole, lets recap shall we! The hole is a local pub, full to the brim with fat, ugly, old people!!! No, I'm not exaggerating, okay so maybe not all the people are like these, but the majority of people are! The drinks are bloody expensive, Cruisers for $7.00, come on, like really!! And the place is cheap! Music is crap, what more to say!

Actually I've had enough discussing this and I'm gonna stop now, before I get myself in trouble!!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
It was the dinosaurs' day off


  1. AdamMac said...
    This local pub is very close, if you read through past posts, you will know which one I'm talking about, and you will know about who Beckz is if you read previous posts!!!
    AdamMac said...
    No, its not eh Tavern... keep guessing........
    Anonymous said...
    Hello Lou Lou i am beckz and i have been mentioned a number of times, altho not nearly enuff if u ask me!!
    Ahh the hole, what a fabulous establishment!!! ahahahaha. the fight neer hapened but i did pick up... :) u know that sexy guy i kissed adam not the "fishy" guy that i had my eye on but his brother?well we are now a couple an i am sooo happy.... good thing no fight hapened coz i dunno if he woulda wanted me if i'd ave shown my "violent" side... :D

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