Into J-Pop??? Tune into SYN 9-0-7, Tuesday nights, 7pm for the best of J-Pop with Emlyn...

Speaking of music, I've been thinking of putting together a show for the next block on SYN, one that would involve a hell of a lot of poppy crap!! I went through the whole house and found treasures like Barbie Girl, and 5ive!! Does it get any better??? It would be the type of show that you wouldn't tell your friends you listened to, a guilty pleasure! Just gotta think of a concept/idea and other things that can happen, I've got a couple of ideas, but I figured that I would save them for a later post, or show!

Looking forward to putting together a demo, should be fun, only problem is that I would be dancing to the tunes to much, rather then getting anything done!!!

What else has been happenening... ummmm.... oh yeah! Exactly one week till my P's test, fingers crossed, not when driving of course, that I pass, think of the freedom.... No more asking people to take me places, now I can take other people places. First mission, take Meghan out and let her get drunk for a change without worrying how to get home!!

Sorry this has been a quick post but I got places to go, people to see!!!

Why couldn't Tommy ride a bicycle?
Because he was a gold fish.


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