Went to the local hangout place, the plaza, today... Very interesting!! Saw shit loads of people I haven't seen in awhile, spent far too long there, if my equation is right anyway... Gotta save money!!!

Did the whole JB thing, got some cds, just I'll be grooving to them in my car... 3 days to go!!! Counting down, can't wait till I get my P's!!!! Its very annoying now, coz I'm so close and I just can't wait any longer!!

Bumped into the adorable Meghan B., and her mum, she was very, and by very I mean VERY, excited to get Anthony's album... I know, disgraceful, I'm not a big fan, but she is. Note to readers, don't talk to Miss B. when she has a poster of artist in hands, as you get quite confused of whether you're speaking to Meghan or Anthony?!? He likes to have his two cents put in, or Meghan likes to put him in front of her face and talk for him, I'm just as confused as you are!!!

Bumped into the skanky one at her place of work- Diva!! Nothing much to say, except I got yelled at coz I'm spending money, shame on me!!

Bumped into Danielle Watson, of "Away" fame, where she starred opposite me!! She was the lucky one that I got to beg for sex to... lucky girl, I can imagine all the people who would wanna be in her place!! NOT!!! Good to see her again.

Bumped into Rhiannon and Craig, Set Builders and Designers experts, also at JB. Good to see them in public for once, rather than at 3am in the morning painting sets!! We are all looking forward to the two upcoming productions, The Flintstones and Henry, which you will all hear about very soon!!!

That was about all that happened on this rather eventful trip to the plaza, very fun!! Also, got quite a few people commenting on my black top. Some think its great, others not so great... But you know what, I don't really care. I'll wear whatever I want to wear!!!

Why did the bald man draw rabbits on his head?
Because from a distance they looked like hares.


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