Well, well well... We all expected it, but the men have made it into the grand final!! The next game we will play, is in two weeks, straight after the women's grand final.

So the men and the women, will be both be in the finals!!!

Today was a fun game, apart from the fact that I grazed my knee hardcore!! Blood!!!! Lots of fun, but what was more fun was my massive head first slide into third!!! YAY!!!! Go me!!!

Well the finals are in two weeks, 19th, women's at 2:00, the men at 4:30pm. Come down if you want a laugh!! You can also see me doing presentations as the Association Vice President!!

This disheveled-looking guy walks into a bar. He sits down and orders a stiff drink. The bartender says, "What's eating you?"
The guy says, "My wife left me this morning, I got laid off this afternoon, my car got wrecked earlier tonight, and my dog died in the vet's office."
The bartender says, "Wow! I forgot the punchline!"


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