Howdy people... I must say that as of late, my inspiration for blogging has been very strange. I get some ideas that I think can work, and then some things that well, wouldn't work! After speaking to a couple of people, I've come to realise that my blog is very self centered, so why not make it more!!! YAY!!!

I figured that you out there, only get to find out stuff about me that I say, so, I thought I'd take a chance and let anyone "Ask Adam Mac". Yep, you can ask me anything, just post the comment, and if its a good question, the answer might turn into a whole new post!!

Yeah, so ask me anything... General Knowledge, help with homework, personal stuff, whatever... I'm waiting...

Why do girls like guys who wear shirts with eight buttons?
They fascinate.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Life as a DJ??? Interesting??? Boring????
    Driving? Have you had road rage as yet? Surely,you could write about this topic for a while??????
    Anonymous said...
    Perhaps you could write a guide to safe driving. Having just gotten your probationary licence, or as we colloquially refer to them as 'P's', you must be a courteous and careful driver. perhaps you could pass some of these safe and friendly driving techniques onto your fellow Mac minions?

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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