Following common trends, my internet has decided to hate me again, so blogging won't be as frequent as I would like it to be! But I will still blog, so don't leave me!! Or I'll cry, that isn't supposed to tempt you to leave by the way!! GRRR!!!

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion, that after the recent closure of the Feature Updates, they are gonna be back! I figured you out there, want to read something entertaining, informative, exciting... Why are you still here??? Seriously, feature updates are back, I'm not setting a specific time for them, so just keep checking!! Expect posts regarding comments made by you guys!!

So my next feature update will be "Singlitis", which is in regards to LouLou's comment, and the current state of singleness in the world! We will be exploring both the good and the bad of the single world! I know that Debbie The Bloody has done this already, but mine will be more focused on being single, and ways this can change...

Stay tuned: Singlitis

[Insert Bad Joke Here]


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