With the internet down at home, its becoming increasingly difficult to post nice long things on topics, so when it comes to lunchtime, I'm like, I don't have enough time to post!!

Lots has been happening in the land of Adam Mac, some good and some bad! The good, going out more, having a lot more fun, meeting awesomely fantastic people, and driving heaps. The bad, well... I don't wanna go into it!

Massive Apology: Timmotheus, I may have said some things which could be seen as hurtful and idiotic, I apologize massively, hence the reason this is called a massive apology!! Please understand that was I was saying was coming from a tired person about to fall asleep!

Till next time my little cherubs, the internet company is sending out a new modem!!!, have fun!

Why did the dinosaur cross the road??
It was the chicken's day off!!!


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