Email from the Skanky One:

Heys ppls!!!
Mark this date down. Hope you havent forgotten. On Thurs the 21st of this month, yes ppls, next Thurs, we have the taping of some brand spanking new show 2 go 2! You all better be going.
Its at 6:20 til 9:00, so i was thinkin get there past 5:30...
CONDITIONS: Attire is smart casual. No stripes, polka dots (DAMN!), checks (that means no lumberjack shirts Starks!), or shiny fabrics (thats you Louie, leave em at home!).
DISCLAIMER: I do not promise that
1) We will actually get in. Its a first come, first served kind of system, so we should get there heaps early. Even though we will look like tools standin there bored and prob cold and hungry, if we get in, it's na na nanana to the rest who dont. And since I finish uni at 3:30, i will go get munchies to keep us amused.
2)We will enjoy the show and have a good time. It may be a shit arse show, which may be the lamest thing we will ever see, but on the other hand, it may be brilliant. As I dont actually know what we have let ourselves in for, I say that we make our own fun, cheer the loudest, and just hav a ball (not enough to get us kicked out....although I suppose if its that bad a show, we could try....anyone feel like streaking??)
3) In the event that we either dont get in, or get kicked out (my bet is with Louie streaking), we may as well go 2 a pub or sumthin, and spend a few hrs in da city just bumming around, or if anyone has a better idea, do tell.
So, in the event that things do not go as planned, I take absolutely no responsibility. You have all been warned. In fact, when I first mentioned this to you, I steted the conditions under which this once in a lifetime opportunity was to occur. So, no bitching, no whinging, and Louie, if you are prepared to join me, I will gladly flash the security guards to get us in. Boys, leave your clothes on, ok?
Neways, if i dont hear from you, which I'm sure I will cos I'm actually stalking each and every one of you (btw, Louie, luv da undies...u know, da ones you wore that Sunday night *wink, wink*), i will assume that youre okay with the plans.

Why did I post this?? Well, just to show what a crazy bunch of people my friends are!

Singlitis is on its way, just being proofread at the moment... Must say thanks to Timmotheus for reading it at 3am Sunday morning!

WOW! Haven't realised how long its been, sorry everyone... I still love you all, some more than others, yes I'm speaking to YOU!, no not you, the person behind you!

Awesome weekend just passed, can't go into much detail, but for a sober one, it was great. Maybe if I had of had a bit of alcohol, it could have been ever better!

Love ya heaps,

Adam "The Bitch" Mac

A guy walked into a bar, it hurt.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I still think you are weird!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    your right! if u and i had been drinking it would've been better! it was great seeing you again though....

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