YES!! I'm still alive, still kicking and having fun! But my lovely internet is still down, so I'm sitting and waiting for it to magically appear, so I can post something of half decent quality!

Big weekend just passed, went out, had fun, but now that its over, I'm so confused.

These past few weeks have been quite interesting in the land of Adam Mac. Meeting new people, exploring new places, being a grade A bitch, reuniting friendships, and having fun. But, now it seems that choices have to be made, Adam Mac must start to grow up! He must no longer dwell on the past and look towards the future, in a couple of months, I will be 20... thats right 20!! No longer a teenager, no longer able to get away with murder! Certain things must be done!

Will I survive these radical new changes?? Or will I crumple into a big mess?? You'll find out soon!

Why does Father Time wear bandages?
Because day breaks and night falls.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Yeppo Adam,
    The big 2-0. Scary isn't it? And you only have 74 days to go!!!!
    You better get cracking with whatever you wanna do!!
    Anonymous said...
    Re: LouLou. It's mostly because my site is simply a work in progress. You're doing nothing wrong, its simply not there to view. Coming soon however!

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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