NB: If you don't know anything about the Peel case in the news recently, read this article to catch up on it here.

Seriously, I don't think that this is such a big deal... People have been putting up bulletins with petitions on MySpace and complaining about how unfair it all is.

I think that the media behind it, has caused a lot of confusion. Its not like the Peel is going to turn away every straight person that turns up. It will just be able to exercise its right if a large group of straight guys tried to get in for example.

The Peel would be stupid to turn away every girl that turned up. They would be doing something which is completely unethical, separating the fag and the fag hag! If they started doing this, the majority of guys who currently attend, would stop going and would go somewhere is!

Mainly, get over it. Its good that the Peel can now turn away big groups of straight people, seeing that what they said has a point. Straight people have how many clubs to go to????

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I don't think Peel should turn away straight people. Imagine if a supposedly 'straight' club turned away gay people? And how does Peel claim to know that certain men that try to get in are straight?

    I think that separating gay people from straight people only adds to the divide that already exists. And it provides for discrimination and tension between gay and straight people.

    I don't agree with Peel's policy at all.


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