I love going out and having fun. But I love dressing up and having fun even more. Me and Louie recently did that and boy did we have fun.

Louie got dressed up in her short short shorts, a white midori singlet, midori sunglasses, black vest, green bling!

I was dressed in a tight top with the sleeves rolled up and tucked under, so it looked sleeveless. I also had a yellow lei around my neck for the night, well until Louie broke it!!!! Okay, so maybe I didn't wear it like this photo, but I liked this photo, because she looks so happy in it! Come on, how can you not be happy wearing a lei????

I had a good time, except people kept trying to take it off and I was getting heaps of evil eyes. But they were mainly from girls who were just jealous that I had one and they didn't... BITCHES!

Now I feel the urge to be more creative when I go out. I'm in the mood, where I don't care what people think, I just go out and have fun!


  1. Dale said...
    I'll plan an outfit for you... *smirks*

    If your theory is true, why don't you just wear a lei 24/7? Cos then you could never be sad!

    Ooh, dress up as a footballer. ;P
    Anonymous said...
    So you let other people lei you? Grrrrrrrrrrr.
    Anonymous said...

    cos they are bad,,,,,
    who knows... if you go without pants you may even get Lei'd again...
    Anonymous said...
    Hmmm, I'm trying to think of something for xchange but I've seen just about everything there... including lei's and footballers. Oh but I've never seen a pantless footballer wearing a lei. I think.
    AdamMac said...
    Dale - If I wore a lei 24/7 my body would become immune to the happiness that it gives out! And no for footballer, btw I got your little subtle reason behind it too....

    Scary Dream Person - I let lots of people lei me, well a lot on Saturday night anyway!

    Dean [barry] - No for going pantless

    Luke - No for going pantless footballer wearing a lei, thats soooo last year mardi gra!
    Anonymous said...
    What about a bow tie. And nothing else.

    Or a garbage bag with a head and arm holes cut out of it.

    Or shorts made of aluminium foil, with a little al foil hat to top it all off.

    What about your old school uniform...with a giant pink bra under the blazer...hehe.


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