I recently found myself venturing out into the city to attend a birthday party at a place called Bang. I never been there before, and whenever I mentioned to someone that I was going there, I was usually met with a weird look on their face. Then asked a thousand questions about whether or not I knew what type of place that was, why I was going there, and people even told me on the day that I wasn't dressed for the occasion.

Now before you start getting the wrong idea, Bang is not an adult's club even though the name may suggest it. Bang is an emo/punk/metal/loud-crazy-dark-music club. Well I think thats the best kind of explanation for it. :S I was told that apparently I'm not emo enough to go to a club like Bang.

Apparently, if I wanted to be more emo, I should do the following things*:

  • have a long fringe and brushed to the one side, dyed black and straightened
  • wear a t-shirt complete with band insignia, tight black jeans with a studded belt and belt buckles
  • have to be more candid about my emotions, be more sensitive, broken hearted, glum and depressed.
As you can probably imagine, being emo really isn't my thing. And as a matter of fact, I don't think I could ever be emo. Anyway, with all this new knowledge, I thought I was ready to head out to one of their clubs. I grabbed LouLou and we headed out into the city.

For starters, we got lost. We had no idea where it was, and after 10 minutes of mindless pacing up and down the street, Lou came up with a brilliant idea. Instead of looking for the place, she suggested that we start following people who look emo, and they will show us the way. Kind of like a follow the yellow brick road sort of adventure, except this time we wouldn't be surrounded by colourful midgets.

After following a couple of people in the completely wrong direction, we finally had some luck come our way, when we bumped into a bunch of them. Surely, these people would be heading to Bang, we didn't think their would be many places that cater for the emo. So we followed them to the entrance of a club, outside of which more people were lining up, so we followed suit and lined up. After a couple of minutes, we got a bit concerned that their was no signage out the front saying 'Bang', so we asked where we were and found out the reason why there was no signs was because we actually weren't lining up at Bang.

We eventually found the place, and were greeted with the loud squealing of the guys on stage 'singing'. To which, both myself and Lou agreed we needed a Jagerbomb to help break the ice.

I had a great time, doing something that I probably wouldn't usually do. It's always good to try new things and have some fun. I also got some valuable advice from Lou in regards to what to do in a situation like this again. She basically advised to stay away from any dark rooms, thats where they are at their best, and if I hear them crying to turn on a light.

Also met some cool new people out there, so who knows, AdamMac may be at Bang again?!?!

*According to Wikipedia


  1. Paul said...
    ew i don't particularly like the thought of adam banging, kinda takes the fun out of it for the rest of us.

    (Btw: Place you went to was click click)
    Anonymous said...
    would i be one of the 'cool new people' you met? :p

    Brittney xx :]
    Anonymous said...
    lovely, i just brought even more bran-new emo backgrounds on my blog

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