Yeah, everyone looks up and then you have to try and figure out who thumbed you!

It's amazing how people can take things in many different ways. Take the above sentence for example. Whats the first thing that came to mind??

1. Obvious dirty, sleazy disgusting option. Don't deny it, everyone would think of this first.


2. A bunch of people playing 'Heads down, thumbs up'.

Reason for the random post today about thumbs?? Well I can't remember how to play 'Heads down, thumbs up'. But thankfully, Wikipedia is here to help me out! Click here for article.

Thinking about this made me start thinking of all the other games that I used to play in primary and high school, and I got all reminiscent. But I'll stop now!

Are they any games that you remember playing?? What were they??

1 Comment:

  1. shan said...
    heads down thumbs up was fun. also, the human knot was a fun icebreaker they used to get us to do. and lets not forget the always fun game of kiss chasey at recess.

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