Eurovision is over for another year, and as usual it provided me with many laughs. The first video is of the winners, Serbia. The next video is from the runners up, Ukraine.

From looking at the two videos, you can probably tell why I love it sooooo much.

The Winners!

Runner Up!

The main reason why I love it is the costuming, then the energy of the contests, closely followed by the music. Eurovision has everything anyone could ever need. It also has a whole bunch of confusing rules, which usually change ever year, and is always dominated by the 'Big 4'.

If you didn't watch it this year, make sure you mark it in your diaries for next year!

Before I go, I'll leave you one more, the entry from the United Kingdom.

1 Comment:

  1. Paul said...
    RUSS SPENCER WAS IN BOYS WILL BE GIRLS (a shitty reality show where three blokes tried to fool people into thinking they were a girl band) (his the ugly blonde one in the UK entry)

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