I'm addicted. Another musical to add onto the list. This one is awesome. I'm in love. I think I've listened to the album about 50 times on my iPod. The songs are catchy and fun, and it portrays a good message. The musical is called Spring Awakening and its currently at Broadway,

I'm also really excited because Wicked might be coming to Melbourne. I saw it on the news yesterday and screamed. Well not really screamed, but got a funny feeling on the inside. If it came to Melbourne, I'd would definitely go and see it.

The high school's musical is shaping up to be pretty good as well. Been helping out on Saturdays with the set, which is coming together. I'm Stage Managing it again, so that should be fun. Really looking forward to doing it again. The kids this year seem really nice and switched on, lets see how they go at the theatre!


  1. shan said...
    omg! i just (and i mean like, 10 minutes ago) told my neighbour that i wanna go to NYC and see this musical.
    spamalot is coming to Australia.
    AND!!!!! (v.2)
    priscilla is leaving sydnet and coming to melb in august

    cannot wait
    AdamMac said...
    Okay, that is just down right scary! I wanna see Spamalot as well.. As well as Avenue Q and the new Hairspray movie :D

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