As you are all pretty aware by now, I'm addicted to anything exciting and new on the internet. I recently stumbled across a website that I thought was really clever, so I thought I'd play around with it.

Its called FutureMe, and it basically lets you send an email to yourself in the future. You type the email, and then you put in what date you want the letter to be sent. You then can't see the letter until its sent to your inbox.

I played around with it, and sent myself one that I'll receive in 6 months. For those who don't know, I've recently got a new job at work, and I start that on Monday, so majority of the email was about how I'm feeling at the moment, and when I get the email in 6 months, hopefully I can look back at it and laugh!

Another great thing about the website is that it lets you read other peoples, well if they've selected public that is, and you can see what other people have sent to themselves, and when they want it sent to them....


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