I've been so preoccupied with trying to make my blog look good lately, that it totally slipped by that my last post was my 200th post! So first of all I just wanna say, 'WooHoo!'. To get to 200 blog posts is a very big thing for me, seeing that in the beginning, I really wasn't that interested in the whole blogging thing. Now though, I'm addicted to this and MySpace!

C Grade Personality has come a pretty long way since it started about 2 years ago. I think its finally getting to the point where I'm happy with the layout, and the way its set up. Maybe a few more things to tweak and it should be fine. If you have any suggestions, send them on :P Can you always click on the 'contact me' button in the header and shoot me an email.

So I've hit the 200 mark, what now for AdamMac I hear you all asking. Well, I think a couple of months ago, I bit off a bit more than I could chew with all the other internet accounts, i.e. flickr, Live Journal. I think I need to put more effort into those, and bring them up to scratch.

In terms of blogging, I'm currently tweaking the layout of a couple of blogs, before they are released. So as soon as I'm happy with them, they will be released. I'm thinking of making one a group effort, so I'll be needing some extra authors, so if your interested, stay tuned!

I just wanna say thanks to all the people that read this though. So, THANKS!



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