My Friday night was lots of fun, well I'm sure it was, if only I could remember any of it. Hang on, I do remember some of it, but not a lot...

I remember going to work, which was rather exciting, seeing that I have all this week off annual leave. So its like a mini holiday, except the furthest I'm actually going to get from home is Werribee, seeing that I'm gonna be there basically all week. I'm helping out at my old high school for their musical, do it every year and have a great time!

Remember having dinner, and then picking up some people I hadn't seen for a while for pre-drinks at my place. This is where it becomes a little bit fuzzy. I think the main reason why it gets fuzzy here is because this is when I started drinking. Now I usually don't drink much, I do admit that I have my moments where I become a bit of an alcho, but not very often. I remember Brendan playing EyeToy and making a fool of himself, and Ash speaking to people on MSN and pretending to be me, btw if you spoke to me on Friday night on MSN at about 9:30-10:30 it wasn't me... SORRY!

Now this is where I get a bit confused, seeing that I can't remember a lot after this... Now its not that I don't have a good memory, because I usually do, it feels like I've fallen into some black hole and can't remember anything from it! I know we where at Xchange, but no matter how hard I try, I can't remember getting there, can't remember getting in, nothing! I was later informed that we took a taxi, but I can't even remember leaving the house.

A couple of things flashback from the night. I remember some of the drag show, remember pole-dancing on the podium with a chick called Nardia, who she was I have no idea, but she was cool. I remember seeing the ATM with a temporary out of service sign on it, and then later when it was working I was rather excited. I remember leaving X when they closed and then went to Diva, but then went home. I remember the taxi ride home.

Now obviously there are some things that I can and can't remember, but the one thing that is annoying me the most is the things that I'm not sure if they happened, or if I just imagined them. I remember having conversations with people but not 100% sure if they are true are not. And if they were just simple things I would usually just ask the person, but in this case I'm a bit scared to, because it seems so far-fetched that I'm not sure if its true or not, and I might offend the person if they didn't say it! What do I do?

I'm not the type of person who likes to be out of control in a situation. So as you can imagine, Friday night, even though it was fun at the time, and I'm sure I had an awesome time, I feel bad because I have no idea what I did. Another thing is that I had a couple of friends there, that I didn't know were going to be there, so when they started talking to me on MSN the next day, I was like, how would you know, you weren't there?!? And this gets people offended because they apparenlty had full on conversations with me, which just confuses me!

This type of alcoholic induced memory loss has only happened to me once before, but it was okay, seeing that I was at home by myself, so no-one else could see me! I think that maybe I should learn from both of these experiences and maybe slow down my alcohol consumption, seeing that the first time I drank a bottle and a half of wine by myself in about an hour and a half, and on friday night it was half a bottle of straight vodka in about two hours! Maybe my new motto in life should be, everything in moderation :P

So, readers out there, if you were at Xchange on Friday night and saw me, I'm trying to fill in the blanks of what happened, so comment if you were there and tell me what I did, the good and the bad!

Sufferer of alcoholic induced memory loss


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