Ok, I didn't want to do it, I was trying to fight the urges and the temptations, but couldn't resist, I've done it... Now the owner of a MySpace! Yes I know, just like my iPod buy, its just another way of me conforming to the masses, but who really cares :P

I didn't really know what it was all about when I first signed up for it, I think the thing that made me do it was because I was so annoyed at getting those emails saying "So and So wants you to join to MySpace". So, I eventually gave in and did it.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified, ok so I promise I won't do that again, sorry couldn't resist :P, but after using it I'm kinda liking it. Found a couple of people that I haven't spoken to in like FOREVER! Like people who I went to school with, and seeing that I finished Year 12 three years ago, OMG! I so didn't want to write that, do you know who old I feel now :(

Another great thing on the site is the ability to search for people, and add them as a friend! I feel quite happy that Gretel Killeen and Pink are my friends, ok so maybe its not them, but I don't care, I still feel special!! I still want more friends though, so if you have one, add me!! That way it says we are friends, and like yeah :P

I suppose that if you are going to add me, you should know what the site is...

Now I know that there is an option for a blog there, and it would be so much easier to have everything together, but stress less as I'm still gonna be keeping my blog here, well for now at least.
There's a party at MySpace and your all invited!


  1. Anonymous said...
    3 years...! please adam... dont do that to me again *cheks out her wrinkles in the mirror*... ah, such is life. the inevitability of getting old *sighs*
    Thanx for the reminder...

    hugs n kisses...

    Ab =P
    princessoctober said...
    HAHAHA...I have a secret to admit..I have one too...LOL. My is under construction at the moment though...Changing things up a bit..damn myspace..evil it is.
    princessoctober said...
    BTW....3 years "shakes head and counts fingers" I have been out for 8 years..UGGGG..holy oldeness..yes I just typed olden-ness..LOL

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