Introducing the latest C Grade Personality....

(¯`·._.·[PRINCESS OCTOBER]·._.·´¯)

For being the most talked about person in the 'Name Dropper' game, well the only person talked about in the game, Princess October is the latest C Grade Personality. And for that, she gets to take over the spotlight on this website for a little bit!!! So this post is all about her!!!

She runs a blog, its called Real Feelings, Real Thoughts, Really Me. This is one of my favourite blogs, one that I check with regularity. Her posts have one thing that a lot of blogs out there don't have, a true human element. Posts can range from being hilarious, to so deep and meaningful, I feel like sometimes I'm invading her space, like stumbling across her secret diary. But after reading some of them I wanna go and give her a big hug. I know its only a blog, but it gets you hooked... I remember when I read a first post, I had to go back and read all her posts, and I did.

Now I know I'm not the only one who is addicted to her blog... I know that Skanky-Jo is as well!!! The reason why I know this... Well you see, Princess October recently had a baby, and she posted when she went into labour and then there was a period of time when she didn't post. Needless to say, that period of a couple of days we waiting with anticipation for the arrival of both the post, and well the baby as well... It was when we discovered the post, there was a phone to Skanky-Jo, going OMG!!! She's had it!!!

If you hadn't already read it, than read it NOW!! And don't forget to bookmark it, because its an awesome read, and I look forward to reading about all her brand new adventures with Allie, Cody and Dalton.

The next 'training' will be released soon... Stay Tuned!!!

Till then check out Princess October's blog...

A. Mac
Stepping out of the spotlight so others can step in


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