There seems to come a time, every couple of months where I don't blog for a while. Its not because I'm so sick that I can't make it to the computer, its because I have nothing to write about it!! Its a bad case of blogger's block!!

I jump on the computer and stare blankly at the create new post page... Its really weird, like I think of things to write during the day, but when it comes to crunch time, I blank out!! Its really bad!!

Anyway, enough boring typing about my inability to perform under pressure, OMG! that can so be taken the wrong way.... For the record, I don't usually crack under pressure, only when it comes to blogging...

I should leave this before I make it worse for myself!

Till a post pops in my head


1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    hope its not too long before you blog again. hope that you can overcome your block soon.

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