I went and saw Saw IV the other day. Thankfully I didn't almost vomit like I did in the third one. My mind is still being made up as to what I thought of it. I think I need to go see it again, as there was got a lot to take in in this one.

Something that I've always liked about the Saw movies is that there is minimal characters and a smart twist at the end of the movie, that leaves you sitting in shock. With this movie, you still left the movie in shock, but I found that they had a few too many characters, or characters that were very similar, because I remember spending half the time going, hang on who was that guy. And just like with all the others, they reference the previous movies, so now I want to go back and watch them again, to see anything that I've missed.

The gore level in this one, isn't as extreme as the previous one. This one focuses more on Jigsaw. I've made the next bit white, as it is a spoiler for Saw III, so if you haven't seen it, don't highlight this bit. The movie starts where the third one ended, with the death of Jigsaw. Just when you think that because he and his apprentice Amanda are dead, that no more traps would happen, think again!

Overall, I thought the movie was pretty good, and if they make another one, than I'll be seeing that, but I think before I go see the next one, I'm gonna have to watch the previous ones a couple more times. Even if it means having to have a vomit bag next to me when I watch the third one again.

1 Comment:

  1. Dale said...
    I was talking to Sergo at work (he's cool in a deep-thinking talented philosophical musician kinda way) and he said it was terrific. I'm thinking terrorific, but still really want to see it.

    And how polite of you to not spoil Saw 3 for everyone else!

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