I got slightly embarrassed yesterday. While serving a customer, when I gave her her change, she said to me that I have a good smile, and that it was good to see people smiling for a chance. Needless to say, I went slightly red, sheepishly said thank you, and became over self conscious of my smile from that second on.

I didn't know what to make of it. Was she trying to say I had something in my teeth in a polite bitchy kind of way? Was she trying to say that maybe I'm smiling too much and look retarded? Or maybe she was actually being sincere and did mean it. Seeing that I didn't chase the woman down and ask her why she said it, I'll never know what she meant by it.

I kinda think that she was referring to the over-smiling. Working in retail, I pretty much have a smile on my face all day. That way when you greet people they feel happier, and when you smile it creates a more happier environment.

But now I'm paranoid that I'm smiling too much! Is it possible for someone to smile too much?


  1. Dale said...
    Just take the damn compliment! Geez!

    I don't smile all that much at work cos my smiling muscles tire quickly. Tyson accused me of flirting with an old man the other day though. I vommed.

    I just vommed again because I said the word vommed. Yuck.
    Anonymous said...
    "Is it possible for someone to smile too much?"

    I never used to think so until recently. Actually, I take that back. Even though I can't stop smiling lately, I don't think you can ever smile too much.

    It feels too good and does no harm, so how could it ever be considered excessive?


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