As I wake every morning, having a few hours sleep.
I dread the day ahead, sometimes making me weep.
To think of the jobs, that all lie ahead,
All that I wish is to just stay in bed.

I wake to the sound, of my alarm clock blaring,
The constant beeping, is quite overbearing.
The knock on the door, confirms what I fear,
That the start of the day, already too near.

As I stumble out of bed, in the mirror I glance,
At a tired young man, leaving nothing to chance.
My whole day is planned, from beginning to end,
Not a minute of time on myself, I can spend.

My room becomes lit, as the new day arises,
I’m hoping my day, brings some new surprises.
My closest is full; no more room not a bit,
My shoes and my suits, all tailored to fit.

Immaculately dressed, as I get in the car,
It’s what I must do, part of being a star.
Parties and signings, must all be attended,
A smile on my face, always expected.

Camera flashes and screams, from my adoring fans.
But not a single one knows me, no one understands.
The ongoing pressure, of being at the top,
Constantly wondering, when will it stop?

This kind of life, though it may seem exciting,
To have time by yourself, you’ll be constantly fighting.
How I wish I could just spend a minute alone,
And make all the decisions, all on my own.


  1. AdamMac said...
    My attempt at creative writing :D
    Anonymous said...
    You want to be a writer yes?
    AdamMac said...
    I don't want to be a writer... LOL!

    Does that sound like someone who wants to be a writer?
    Paul said...
    no don't be stupid, i just thought you would like to think some anonymous person liked it that much.

    Well i have a friend who wants to be a writer but doesnt write.. so i really wouldnt know. :P
    Anonymous said...
    Isn't it sad that you don't have much time?
    But yet found a way to make up your rhyme...
    Be thankful you're young, you're fit, cute and healthy.
    Get on with your work - one day you'll be wealthy!

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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