2007 was always going to be the year of travel for AdamMac. I've toyed with heaps of ideas, Europe, US and now Bali. Contiki was always going to be the option, I just didn't know which one. Each one has their pros and cons, and when I've thought about it, I really wanna go to Bali. Contiki have an awesome resort, with awesome rooms and awesome facilities. Woah, too much use of the word awesome, so I might not use it again.

I don't think I'd have enough money for Europe. To do Europe properly I'd need more time and more money. That would be awesome great! To back pack around Europe at my own accord and just see everything. So maybe that can be a longer term goal.

Apparenlty the US is a lot like Australia, in terms of culture and everything, and for my first real trip I wanna be somewhere where it is culturally different. I think thats why I choose Bali over the US.

I'm hoping to travel later this year, just need someone to go with, but hopefully I've already found that person.



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