A lot of people ask me why my name of my blog is C Grade Personality. The main reason why this came about is that I used to do a radio show with Meghan B. and my mum used to call me a C Grade Personality because I was like a D Grade Star. Also at the time I was doing some amateur theatre, which helped her in her reasoning.

I haven't really done that much lately to keep up my C Grade status. I've been lazy. But that's all going to change.

You may have noticed a slight change in my blog layout. Well maybe not that slight. I've put little tabs at the top of my blog to re-direct you to some other pages that I've set up to be all about me! These are the sites that I've created accounts on LiveJournal, MySpace, vod:pod, and Flickr.

I'm still going to be doing my blog, but I've also going to start using all the other sites as well.

My LiveJournal will be like a diary entry for each day, so you can see what I've been getting up to on a daily basis.
My MySpace is still going to be used as a main one for people to get in contact with me. My MySpace will be like the main one, as it will have photos, comments and an easy way to contact me.
My vod:pod will let you all know what type of videos I'm watching at the moment, if you've had a look I'm going through a J-Pop phase!
My Flickr will be used to upload all my photos of things that I'm doing, I'm gonna try and also become more snap happy with my camera!

So, I'm getting my internet on, to keep my C Grade status. Who knows, there may also be some other plans in the making to keep the status, but you'll just have to keep tuned for that one!

C Grade Personality


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