I've been addicted for awhile, but over the last couple of weeks, I think I've become even more addicted. I love poker. Mainly online poker, and on tournaments. I've only really gotten addicted again since my friend has started making me play again. Its fun. I sit there and try and pick what other peoples hands are, trying to work out their game play.

I don't play for a real money. I only play with fake money. Its funny because I usually always go all in and then lose my money. Then, I just refresh it. I know it doesn't seem very practical, but its lots of fun. One of them would only let me refresh 3 times in the hour, so as you can imagine, I don't play that one anymore.

I don't know what it is about it, but I really like it. I haven't played it in real life for a while. Last time I played it I was a tournament at some pub and that was really fun. I was winning heaps, but then I wanted to go home, so I just went all in. When they flipped the cards over, the people on the table couldn't believe I went all in. I think I went all in on a 9 5, so people around me were freaking out. That's one reason why I don't like playing real life, people take it too seriously.

I wanna start playing again with my friends, but I just need my friends to want to play with me as well.


1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    i will play with u adam

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