I took the train for the first time in about 18 months. I was like a born again train virgin. I remembered to buy the ticket and validate it, seeing that I have still been using public transport in St Kilda (trams), but little things I had forgotten about.

I couldn't remember the order of stations. This pretty much devastated me, seeing that I used to be able to say the order in my sleep. After a couple of years of catching the train into the city, on a daily basis its something you just learn. But I've forgotten it. It was quite sad!

Also, I forgot how packed they could be and how rude some people are. Why can't people just let other people off before they start barging their way in? Its just common courtesy.

I've also lost complete balance when I was on the train. I felt so sorry for the poor school girl that I kept bumping into every time the train jolted. I did apologise heaps though, lets just hope that her feet don't bruise*. I felt so awkward being thrown from side to side. I looked like an idiot.

Well fingers crossed when I go home tonight I should be better. What am I saying, I'll be drunk... So for those wanting some entertainment on the way home, you can catch me drunken and disorderly on a train out to Werribee!

*This is why you shouldn't wear open toed shoes on a train!


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